HISTORY Madeleine Albright My Jewish Background Mary Beard On the Public Voice of Women Mary Beard Women in Power Lillie Devereux Blake Our Forgotten Foremothers Emma Hardinge Britten America and Her Destiny Augusta Cooper Bristol Woman’s Advancement Anne Laura Clarke New England Anne Laura Clarke Dress of Ancient Romans Anne Laura Clarke Columbus Paulina Wright Davis History of Woman’s Rights Rosa DeLauro Underground Railroad Abigail Scott Duniway Eminent Women I Have Met Manuscript Cassandra Fedele For Bertuccio Lamberti Cassandra Fedele Before Agostino Barbarigo Cassandra Fedele To the Doge Francesco Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Memories of the IWW Miep Gies Protecting Anne Frank Transcript Maud Gonne Visit of King Edward VII Alice Stopford Green Making of Ireland Pamela Harriman The Iron Curtain Speech Dorothy Height Legacy of the NCNW Octavia Hill When I Am Gone Ruth Klüger To Victims of National Socialism Charlotte Knobloch Holocaust Remembrance Eva Mozes Kor On Healing Sara Jane Lippincott (Grace Greenwood) Forefathers’ Day Audre Lorde Learning from the 60s Ruth B. Mandel Days of Remembrance Lidia Menapace Partisan of Culture Italian Isotta Nogarola Ermolao Barbaro Latin Isotta Nogarola Saint Jerome Latin Frances Perkins The Roots of Social Security Melusina Fay Peirce Fraunces’ Tavern María Rentería Leona Vicario & Rafaela López Spanish Sylvia Rivera The Stonewall Riots Mildred Lewis Rutherford Historical Sins Mildred Lewis Rutherford The South Mildred Lewis Rutherford Wrongs of History Mildred Lewis Rutherford Thirteen Periods Mildred Lewis Rutherford Four Addresses Letitia Stevenson Origins of DAR Ida M. Tarbell Lincoln and Chicago Ida M. Tarbell Historical Study Jeanne Elizabeth Weir Nevada History Sabina Wolanski Berlin Holocaust Memorial Lulu Xingwana Women & Their Achievement