SOCIAL ISSUES Grace Abbott Public Protection of Children Nancy Astor Energy and Zeal Grace Lee Boggs Reimagine Everything Maud Ballington Booth Within the Prison Walls Maud Ballington Booth The “Given Up” Man Maud Ballington Booth Prison Reform Mary Carpenter Our Pauper Children Caroline Chisholm Families Left Behind Frances Harper The Neglected Rich Julia Ward Howe Modern Society Julia Ward Howe Changes in American Society Julia Ward Howe The Salon in America Julia Ward Howe Is Polite Society Polite? Lady Bird Johnson Beauty for America Audio Helen Keller I Want to be Adopted Florynce Kennedy Fighting Oppression Dorothy D. Lee Effects of Affluence Mary Ashton Livermore The Boy of To-Day Mary Ashton Livermore The Night of Death Mary Ashton Livermore The Battle of Life Belva Lockwood Across the Continent Audre Lorde The Master’s Tools Clare Boothe Luce The New Morality Mary McCarthy Useless Freedom Margaret Mead To Be a Full Human Being Margaret Mead What Kind of World? Margaret Mead The Generation Gap Belle Moskowitz Social Welfare Considerations Pauli Murray Grace Under Pressure Pamela Nadell Antisemitism Ingrid Newkirk Animals Are Not Inanimate Objects Mary Ellen Richmond With Respect to Philanthropy Maria Sanford Apostrophe to the Flag Rose Scott The Ivy of Friendship Charlotte M.B. Stoker The Deaf and Dumb of Ireland Jessie Taft The Psychiatric Social Worker Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward What to Wear? Simone Weil Lectures on Philosophy Frances “Fanny” Wright To Young Mechanics