Dere is a Little Weasel in It
Children, I talks to God and God talks to me. I goes out and talks to God in the field and in the woods. Dis morning I was walking out and I got over da fence. I saw da wheat holding up its head. It was very big. And I goes up to it, and takes hold of it, and you believe it, there was no wheat dere. I says God! What is the matter with this wheat. He says, Sojourner, there is a little weasel in it. Now I’s here’s talking about the Constitution, and da rights of man. I comes up and I takes hold of dis Constitution. It looks mighty big, and I feels for my rights. But there isn’t any dere. Den I says to God, “What Constitution?” And he says to me, “Sojourner, dere is a little weasel in it.”