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Housewives are reaping what they have sown in the incompetency of those who now place themselves in the labor market as domestics. They are very generally unskilled, untrained, and often unprincipled, and from the lowest grade of society, yet we must hire them, pay them fairly good wages and teach them everything we desire them to do, and the probabilities are that as soon as they have acquired some considerable skill and proficiency they will want to change their employer in order to play off Miss Wiseacre to a new mistress.



Source: Scrapbooks, Stowe Collection, Wilfred Laurier University Archives.


Also: “The Celebrated Abortion Trial of Dr. Emily Stowe, Toronto, 1879,” by Constance B. Backhouse, CBMH/BCHM, Volume 8: 1991, p. 168.