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On behalf of the Hindu Marriage Bill

November 29, 1927 — Speaking on behalf of the Hindu Marriage Bill, Battle Creek College (now Andrews University), Berrien Springs MI


I have here a pamphlet sent to me by one of the legislators of India today who wishes to introduce a bill in the Government of India to fix a minimum age at which girls may be married.

I have a word to say to the government as to their attitude towards the bill. A heavy responsibility rests on them for the continuance of this evil. Government probably knows that several Indian states, for instance Baroda, Mysore and Bharatpur, have passed laws forbidding marriages of girls below 12. Recently, the state Kotah in Rajasthan promulgated a new marriage act. This shows what attitude governments really interested in and solicitous of the welfare of their people are taking in regard to child marriage and the duty of the government of India lies clear before them.

I sincerely hope this bill will be passed. It is to be brought before the government again next February, I think.