Received as a Sister
February 2, 1859 — Warrington, England
[Her remarks chiefly bore on the sufferings and indignities which were perpetrated on her sisters in America, and the fearful amount of licentiousness which everywhere pervaded the Southern States. This fact would be best realised when she stated that there were 800,000 mulattoes in the Southern States of America — the fruits of licentiousness — bringing nothing but desolation in the hearts of the mother who bore them, and it ought to have brought shame to the fathers; but there was no respect for morality while the ministers of the gospel and statesman of the south did not set an example which even the slaves could follow. She preferred, however, giving them unquestionable facts instead of personal statements which she might offer, and to this end read several extracts from books, all proving the system of slavery and the immorality it engenders is eating out the vitals of the country, and destroying domestic happiness, not only amongst the subject race, but amongst the families of slaveholders. She then read a graphic description of a young and beautiful girl at a slave sale. The auctioneer was offered 1,000 dollars for her at first. He then expatiated on the superior education she possessed, and 600 dollars more were offered, and hastily he commented on the religious and moral principles she held, she she rose to 2,000 dollars, at which she was knocked down. Thus 1000 were paid for her blood, bone, and sinew, 600 for her improved intellect, and 400 more for the profession of the religion of God! Miss Remond further treated her subject, and in concluding said she intended to have said more, but her strength failed her.
After the speech, Mrs Ashton, a local abolitionist, gave a speech in which she “felt proud to acknowledge her as a sister” and presented Remond with a watch inscribed “Presented to S.P. Remond by Englishwomen, her sisters, in Warrington. February 2nd, 1859.” After which, Remond responded:]
I do not need this testimonial. I have been received here as a sister by white women for the first time in my life. I have been removed from the degradation which overhangs all persons of my complexion; and I have felt most deeply that since I have been in Warrington and in England that I have received a sympathy I never was offered before. I have therefore no need of this testimonial of sympathy, but I receive it as the representative of my race with pleasure. In this spirit I accept it, and I believe I shall be faithful to that race now and forever.
Source: Warrington Times, February 4, 1859.