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To Speak for the Dumb

c. June 1838 — Boston MA


[Speaking of the right of discussing slavery, she said that in France, which was governed by a despot, who had trampled on the liberty of the press, and filled the prisons with those who dare to utter, or print, a syllable unpleasant to the Royal ear, even there, it had been admitted that slavery ought to be discussed, and it was freely discussed. But here, in the freest State on earth, the Governor of Massachusetts had declared that the discussion of slavery is an offence that is or ought to be indictable at Common Law.]

If, my sisters (. . .) it be an offence to speak for the dumb, to open the mouths for the oppressed, to proclaim the truths of Christianity and the rights of the enslaved in this land of freedom; if such be the crime for which your Governor would have you punished, then I trust that the women of Massachusetts, with the Christian fortitude, which becomes the daughters of Christian patriots, will be ready to endure the penalty.



Source: The Liberator, June 30, 1837, (from the Boston Daily Advocate), pp. 108, Iss. 27, Vol. VII.