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Sir, I Beseech You 

June 21, 1529 — Legatine Court, Great Chamber, Blackfriars, London, England


[Catherine delivered her speech on her knees, in front of her husband King Henry VIII, in “a posture of absolute submission”]

Sir, I beseech you for all the loves that hath been between us, and for the love of God, let me have justice and right, take of me some pity an compassion, for I am a poor woman and a stranger born out of your dominion, I have here no assured friend, and much less indifferent counsel; I flee to you as to the head of justice within this realm. Alas, Sir, wherein have I offended you, or on what occasion of displeasure have I designed against your will and pleasure. Intending (as I perceive) to put me from you, I take God and all the world to witness, that I have been to you a true humble and obedient wife, ever conformable to your will and pleasure, that never said or did anything to the contrary thereof, being always well pleased and contented with all things wherein ye had any delight or dalliance, whether it were in little or much, I never grudged in word or countenance, or showed a visage or spark of discontentation. I loved all those whom ye loved only for your sake, whether I had cause or no; and whether they were my friends or my enemies. This twenty years I have been your true wife or more, and by me ye have had divers children, although it hath pleased God to call them out of this world, which hath been no default in me.

And when ye had me at the first, I take God to be my judge, I was a true maid without touch of man; and whether it be true or no, I put it to your conscience. If there be any just cause by the law that ye can allege against me, either of dishonesty or any other impediment to banish and put me from you, I am well content to depart, to my great shame and dishonour; and if there be none, then here I most lowly beseech you let me remain in my former estate, and receive justice at your princely hands. The king your father was in the time of his reign of such estimation through the world for his excellent wisdom, that he was accounted and called of all men the second Solomon; and my father Ferdinand, King of Spain, who was esteemed to be one of the wittiest princes that reigned in Spain may years before, were both wise and excellent kings in wisdom and princely behaviour. It is not therefore to be doubted, but that they elected and gathered as wise counsellors about them as to their high discretions was thought meet. Also, as me seemeth there was in those days as wise, as well-learned men, and men of as good judgment as be at this present in both realms, who thought then the marriage between you and me good and lawful.

Therefore it is a wonder to me what new inventions are now invented against me, that never intended but honesty. And cause me to stand to the order and judgment of this new court, wherein ye may do me much wrong, if ye intend any cruelty; for ye may condemn me for lack of sufficient answer, having no indifferent counsel, but such as be assigned me, with whose wisdom and learning I am not acquainted. Ye must consider that they cannot be indifferent counsellors for my part which be your subjects, and taken out of your own council before, wherein they be made privy, and dare not, for your displeasure, disobey your will and intent, being once made privy thereto. Therefore I most humbly require you, in the way of charity, and for the love of God, who is the just judge, to spare the extremity of this new court, until I may be advertised what way and order my friends in Spain will advise me to take. And if ye will not extend to me so much indifferent favour, yoru pleasure then be fulfilled, and to God I commit my case!


[When she was finished speaking, Catherine rose and curtsied. She then left the court, ignoring calls for her return, and was greeted outside by the public, who shouted words of support. Over the course of the proceedings, the court would order her to appear several more times, but she still refused to return or accept their authority, instead appealing directly to Rome.]



Source: The Negotiations of Thomas Woolsey, The Great Cardinall of England Containing his Life and Death, viz. (1) the originall of his promotion, (2) the continuance in his magnificence, (3) his fall, death, and buriall / composed by one of his owne servants, being his gentleman-vsher, by George Cavendish (London: Printed for William Sheeres, 1641).