A Colored Woman’s Voice
February 11, 1869 — National Woman’s Suffrage Association Convention, Chicago IL
I present myself to you as a composition of humanity, for there flows through my veins a combination of the blood of four distinct nations, of which the greater part is Dutch, part Indian, part African and the lesser part Irish. I am an American because I was born here. I am true because I love the dear old flag. I am on the right side of the question, because I believe woman was made a helpmate for man; that he is but half a man without woman, and you need her help as well in political affairs as you do in private or domestic affairs. And gentlemen, I warn you no longer to stand out in refusing the right for which we contend; in trying to withhold from these noble ladies here and their darker sisters the franchise they now demand. Miss Anthony and Mrs. Stanton, with their high moral and intellectual power have shaken the states of New England and the shock is felt here to-day. The echo comes back from St. Louis and all through the west; a sensation is aroused in England; and soon the whole world will be awakened to a sense of the value and importance of our cause. Woman has a power within herself, and the God that reigns above, who command Moses to lead the children of Israel from out the land of Egypt, from out the house of bondage, who walked the waters of the Red Sea, who endowed Samson with power to slay his enemies with the jaw-bone of an ass, who furnished Abraham Lincoln with knowledge to write the emancipation proclamation, whereby four millions of blacks were set free — that God, our God is with and for us and will hear the call of woman, and her rights will be granted, and she shall be permitted to vote.
Source: The Revolution, March 4, 1869, Vol II. No. 9, p. 139.