Merge One’s Life
With Work for Communism
July 12, 1924 — Sixth Congress of the Russian Leninist Young Communist League, Moscow, Soviet Union
. . . We should try to link our personal lives with the cause for which we struggle, with the cause of building communism.
This, of course, does not mean that we should renounce our personal life. The Party of communism is not a sect, and so such asceticism should not be advocated. At a factory, I once heard a woman addressing her work-mates say: “Comrades working women, you should remember that once you join the Party you have to give up husband and children.”
Of course, this is not the approach to the question. It is not a matter of neglecting husband and children, but of training the children to become fighters for communism, to arrange things so that the husband becomes such a fighter, too. One has to know how to merge one’s life with the life of society. This is not asceticism. On the contrary, the fact of this merging, the fact that the common cause of all working people becomes a personal matter, makes personal life richer. It does not become poorer, it offers deep and colourful experiences which humdrum family life has never provided. To know how to merge one’s life with work for communism, with the work and struggle of the working people to build communism, is one of the tasks that face us. You, young people, are only just starting out on your lives, and you can build them so that there is no gap between your personal life and that of society. . .
Source: Communist Morality, [Kak ee Ponimayut Kommunistî], N. Bychkova., R. Lavrov, V. Lubisheva (Progress Publishers) 1962, p. 149.